Most Liked/Unliked Posts Widget
There are a lot of options available with this pro version.
- Title: The title of the widget that will be shown on the site.
- Show counts based on: If you want the widget to show the posts as per all the counts, then select “All votes” option. If you want the widget to show the posts as per your own voting, then select “My votes”.
- Vote type to show: This option allows you to show the posts depending on their like, unlike, total (like – unlike) counts.
- Number of posts to show: If you do not enter the value for this, then it will show all the posts matching with the settings. Otherwise it will show given number of posts.
- Post type to use: This option is used to filter the result with post types. Let’s say you have different post types on your site, then this will be helpful. Ex- you have a post type as song, then put the same value in this field. For multiple post types, use comma like song,album.
- Category: This option can be used if you want to show category specific posts. You can select multiple categories as well. If not selected, it will show posts from all available categories.
- Time range: You can select from a wide range of options. Suppose you want to show most liked posts in last 1 month, then you can select Last One Month option to get the desired list.
- Show title: If you check this option, then the post title will be shown.
- Show excerpt: If you check this option, then the post excerpt will be shown.
- Show like/unlike count: There are 3 options here.
- If you don’t want the like/unlike counts to show at all, then select the 1st option.
- If you want to show the count along with the title, then 1st check the Show title option and then select the 2nd option here.
- If you want to show the count along with the excerpt, then 1st check the Show excerpt option and then select the 3rd option here.
- Show author: Check this option to show the post author.
- Show categories: Check this option to show the list of categories this post belongs to.
- Show tags: Check this option to show the list of tags this post is attached with.
- Show thumbnail: Check this option to show the post thumbnail. Your theme must support thumbnails and there must be a thumbnail/image attached to this post.
- Thumbnail size: If “Show thumbnail” option is checked, then this option will be used to set the thumbnail size. This value is applicable to both height and width and will show a square-shaped post thumbnail. Default value is 100.
My Most Liked/Unliked Posts Widget
This widget is built within the Most Liked/Unliked Posts widget. The difference is that it only shows the posts those were liked/unliked by the logged in user. You need to select “My votes” option from “Show counts based on setting”.
Most Liked/Unliked Category Posts Widget
This widget is useful if you want to show most liked/unliked posts on category specific pages. The parameters are same as Most Liked/Unliked Posts widget without the option to select categories as that will be automatically picked from the category page.
Recently Liked Posts Widget
This is a widget to show recently liked posts. It is not related to the post liked value. It will simply pick up those posts which are liked in the recent past showing in reverse chronological order. By default it will show 10 posts.