When you click on the link as shown above, you will be taken to the plugin Configuration Settings page. This plugin comes with a bunch of handy settings (along with all the lite version settings) which can be set as per your requirement. Let’s walk through each of these settings.
Remove plugin settings and table on plugin un-install:
This is an option for future use. Setting this to No is helpful if you are planning to reuse this in future with old data.
Default value: No
Use plugin css file:
This option is useful if you want to control the plugin layout from your theme. By setting this to No, your own custom css code will be used and will not be overwritten by the plugin css.
Default value: Yes
Disable automatic loading of buttons for post content:
This option is useful if you want to use the template tag GetWtiLikePost() instead of the like/unlike buttons which loads automatically with post content. You need to put the given template tag inside your theme file.
Default value: No
Load buttons for post excerpt:
This option is useful mainly on home/blog page where you show post excerpts. For this to work, you must have excerpts added to the post.
Default value: Yes
Voting Style:
This option is for setting the different styles of images (thumbs up/down). There are 6 different images available now. You can choose among those. If you want to have different images apart from these 6, then you can replace those images with same name images and use the corresponding style.
Default value: Style1
Voting Period:
This option is for setting the period after which user can revote. By default, there will be no restriction on user for re-voting that means he can vote against a post as many times as he wants. If you want that user can vote only once that means you want to disable re-voting, then select the option “Once” from the dropdown. If you want user can vote once a day, then select the option “One day” from the dropdown and so on. The values range from one hour to one year to give more control on re-voting.
Default value: Always can vote
Check revoting with:
This option is useful to cross check user revoting a post/page and you have restricted revoting with specific voting period. By default “IP address” is used for cross-checking. If you allow only registered/logged in users to vote on your site, then “User Id” is preferred. There is also another option “Unique Id” which is based on post id, user’s device and ip. This can be expected to be unique in 99% cases and mainly useful for guest users voting within same network let’s say office.
Default value: IP Address
Login required to vote:
This option is to whether restrict the user for voting or not depending upon his login status. If you want user to login before voting, then set it to Yes, else set it to No. If set to No, then guest users can vote. If you check revoting with user id, then it must be set to Yes.
Default value: No
Login required message:
Here you can enter the message that user will see when he tries to vote without logging in where as admin has restricted guest user voting.
Default value: Please login to vote
Default message:
Message to show when there has not been any vote for the post. You can put some encouraging message so users will vote.
Default value: Be the 1st to vote
Thank you message:
Here you can enter the message that user will see after voting successfully.
Default value: Thanks for your vote
Already voted message:
Here you can enter the message that user will see when he has already voted for a post. This will also be shown when user tries to vote again with multiple voting not allowed.
Default value: You have already voted
Disallow author to like/unlike own post:
Select whether to disallow post author to like/unlike own post. User must be logged in for this cross-checking.
Default value: Yes
Disallow message:
Here you can enter the message that author will see when s/he tries to like/unlike own post.
Default value: You can not vote your own post
Post types to use:
This is useful when there are different post types used and there is need to show the like/unlike buttons on selected post types only. Please put post types as comma separated.
Default value: post
Integrate with buddypress activity:
It will show a liked/disliked activity message on buddypress activity page. Buddypress must have been installed with Activity Streams component enabled and user must be logged in for this to work.
Default value: No
Show on pages:
This option is useful if you want to show like option on wordpress pages as well. Set it to yes if you want users to be able to like pages along with posts.
Default value: No
Exclude on selected sections:
Check the sections where you do not want to avail the like/dislike options. This has higher priority than the “Exclude post/page IDs” setting.
Default value: None. So it will be available through-out the site.
Exclude selected categories:
Select categories where you do not want to show the like option. It has higher priority than “Exclude post/page IDs” setting.
Default value: None. So it will be available for all the category posts.
Allow post IDs:
Suppose you have a post which belongs to more than one category and you have excluded one of those categories. So the like/dislike will not be available for that post. Enter comma separated those post ids where you want to show the like/dislike option irrespective of that post category being excluded.
Default value: None.
So if a category is excluded then all posts under that category will not have like/dislike functionality.
Excluded post/page IDs:
Enter comma separated post/page ids where you do not want to show the like option. By default like option will be available on all posts. If you do not want this like option to be available on some specific posts/pages, then enter those post/page ids in this field separated by commas. If “Show on pages” setting is set to “Yes” but you have added the same page id here, then like option will not be shown for the same page.
Default value: None.
It means no post/page will be excluded
Show excluded posts/pages on widget:
By default, most liked posts/pages will be shown on the “Most Liked Posts” widget. If you have excluded some posts/pages and do not want to show them on the widget, then set it as “No”. Select “Yes” if you want to show the excluded posts/pages on widget.
Default value: Yes
Position Setting:
Select the position where you want to show the like options. You have two options here. Either you can show it before the content (Top of Content) or after the content (Bottom of Content). Also you can place it anywhere inside content by using the code [wtilp_buttons] irrespective of the position selected.
Default value: Bottom of Content
Alignment Setting:
Select the alignment whether to show the like options on left or on right side of the screen.
Default value: Left
Redirect Url:
Provide the full url only when you want the user to be redirected on successful voting. This redirect url may be a page showing Thank You message to users which is generally a good idea where you want to show more information to user about the voting process or result. If kept empty, it will just show the message as default behaviour.
Title text for like/unlike images:
Enter both texts separated by “/” to show when user puts mouse over like/unlike images.
Default value: Like/Unlike
Use like/unlike text:
Select whether you want to show like/unlike text instead of images. If yes, then enter the respective texts in the next two fields.
Default value: No
Text to use instead of like image:
Enter the text to show if you do not want to use like image.
Default value: Click to like it
Text to use instead of unlike image:
Enter the text to show if you do not want to use unlike image.
Default value: Click to unlike it
Show dislike option:
Select the option whether to show or hide the dislike functionality.
Default value: Yes, so dislike option will be shown
Show +/- symbols:
Select the option whether to show or hide the plus or minus symbols before like/unlike count.
Default value: Yes, so the +/- symbols will be shown
Show user likes:
Select the option whether to show or hide the users who like the posts. This will work if only registered users are allowed to vote and we have records of those users. Since this is implemented in this pro version, old user votings will not reflect here. This will work only for future votings. You have options to show names by comma separated or in new lines.
Default value: No
Reset Options Button:
This button is useful if you want to discard all the setting changes you had made and use the original settings. Just to note on processing using this button, all your custom settings will be lost.
Update Like Meta Button:
You will see this button next to Reset Options button. Since now the like counts are stored in post meta table, old like counts are not recorded over there. So by clicking this button, all the old like, unlike, total (like – unlike) counts will be updated in the post meta table. This post meta data will be helpful if you want to sort the posts depending on these like counts. Please use this when you use this pro plugin for the very first time and when you update any posts status to publish.